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"He was planted on earth to bloom in Heaven" -Unknown

This memorial website was created to remember our dear angel Dylan Keith Best who was born in Northridge, California on January 10, 2003 and passed away in Burbank, California on March 9, 2010. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

- Psalm 23

Dylan was a sweet, funny, outgoing little boy with an infectious smile. He loved playing baseball, riding his bike and skateboard, and making art. Dylan was a happy-go-lucky child who couldn't wait to spend time with his dad, Brandon, and liked to draw pictures to show his mom, Kristin, who loved him dearly. Dylan liked to keep things clean like his mom, but he also enjoyed being messy and silly with his sisters, Ashley and Alyssa and his little brother, Austin. He liked learning about Jesus and attending Wednesday night Awana with his Grammy and Papa. Dylan had many people who loved him in his life, including his Uncle Ryan and Uncle Keith who often took him to Dodger and UCLA games. One of Dylan's favorite things was his Grammy's pancakes (A special treat!) He was an especially loving child who was blessed to have his great-grandparents and his Grandma Judy in his life. Dylan had many friends and most afternoons he could be found playing outside with the neighborhood kids, laughing and having a great time.

We all have our own precious memories of Dylan; Through this webpage we can make certain his memory lives on forever. Please take the time to share a story, memory or prayer so we can celebrate Dylan's life.

You are missed deeply, Dylan, but we know that we will see you again someday. With open arms you will walk our way - You'll be there at Heaven's Gates, and once again we'll embrace. Until that day, we know you are dancing with angels.

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together, there is something you must always remember; You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you."

- Winnie the Pooh

"here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart - i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)"

- E.E. Cummings

Wake (8am) and burial (10am) for family and close friends - Monday, March 15th at Forest Lawn Memorial Park - 6300 Forest Lawn Dr, Los Angeles 90068

Come celebrate Dylan's life at In His Presence Church at 1pm, March 15th - 21300 Califa St, Woodland Hills 91367

Donations in Dylan's name can be made at Bank of Santa Clarita, Main Office (661 362-6000)

Latest Memories
I remember one celebration day in the park in Westlake, the kids and I, Uncle Steve, and Keith went for a little nature walk. We all heard some rustling in the grass and thought it may be a rattlesnake, the girls were scared and huttled close, but Dylan was very curious and not scared at all, he wanted to go into the grass looking for the snake, I had to tell him that probably wasn't the best idea, so we just waited quietly and listened... Then we watched some kids playing a baseball game, Dylan wanted to play so badly, so we went over and hit some balls on another field, he actually did quite well and hit some really nice ones, he of course had a great time and a HUGE smile on his face, as he always did... 
angela bennett
Our lives will never be the same without you. You have touched every part of our being and changed us, in nothing but the most positvie of way. You have made us all better people for knowing you. We wish we could have had more time to see the amazing man you would have grown to be, just like your dad! Our hearts ache but we know that you are looking over us and watching out for us. You will always be our sweet precious angel that will be with us forever. A seat for you will always be setfor you at our table. We love you and miss you terribly Dylan. All our love, Your Family
Jackie Willen
I can't stop thinking about you and Dylan. I just stare at these pictures and ask myself, WHY? He was so young. His smile is one that would lite up a room. You were so lucky to spend 7 years with him. I Kristin you WILL see him again. He will be waiting for you  with open arms. Kristin he is now your special angel. Kristin, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. No mother should ever have to go through this!!! Stay strong for you little girls. They need you more than ever. The Willen's love you and we are here for you whenever you need us. I LOVE YOU:) XOXOXO
Sheila Cobo



You know how much we love you.  We will always be there for you.  Here is a poem I want you to read when you are ready.  Every day, I will start with my morning call to you in hopes to give you strngth.  I truly believe we were meant to meet and be neighbors for a reason.  Remember when we first met>  We walked right up to each other and hugged, as if we had known each other for years.  I want you to know that you have the biggest heart of anyone I know, and you have tremendous courage.  We loved Dylan as he was our own child, and will miss him so much it hurts.  Our job now, is to guide you through this and provide you and your children with peace.  We love you.



The day you were born
Silence filled my heart
No sound came from you... See More
And I fell apart
With empty arms
The next day I went home
With a broken spirit
Feeling all alone
The tears rolled down
And my voice cried
I’m sorry my sweet angel
Mamas’ sorry you’ve died
The days went on
My heart still aching
My arms still yearning
My spirit still breaking
Then one day
Everything seemed so clear
It was ok that I couldn’t hold you
Because you were still near
Memories cannot be taken away
So we can never be torn apart
You are always in my thoughts
My prayers, my heart
To me you will always be
As wonderful as ever
You are my sweet angel
And will be forever
For now my arms may be empty
And you may have to wait
But I promise one day I’ll hold you again
Just wait by Heaven’s gate.

Aunt Linda and Uncle Jeffre

From The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"The proof that the little prince existed is that he laughed."

"Wait for a time, exactly under the star.  Then, if a little man appears who laughs, who has golden hair and who refuses to answer questions, you will know who he is.  If this should happen, please comfort me.  Send me word that he has come back."

"It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly.  What is essential is invisible to the eye."

Dylan will forever live in the hearts of everyone who met him and enjoyed his big smile.  We love you dear little prince. 

Latest Condolences
Leanne Lattanzi Blessed To Have Known Dylan March 31, 2010

My life will forever be changed by a sweet smiley faced boy. I got to see him every Tuesday at Roosevelt Elementary. My daughter, Vivianna's in 1st grade and I'm lucky to help each week. It's always so fun to see all the children's happy faces when I arrive and they always come and ask me to help them. Dylan would always come and ask me to help him and he was my little buddy. I'll forever be thankful that I got to sit with Dylan, on March 9th, and help him with his work. We were alone for a good 10 minutes while the other kids were on the rug. He even showed me the shark he made. I never knew that would be the last time I would ever see him. On one walking field trip, Dylan was in my group and I'm a huggy person, so I told Dylan you have to let me hug you and pretend you're my little boy because I have girls. I'll always remember you and every Tuesday won't ever be the same because your smiley face will be missing!! Thank You God for giving me the opportunity to know such a sweet boy named Dylan Best. 

Soraya Dancsecs From another mother... March 20, 2010
Dear Kristin & family, I heard about Dylan from a mutual friend of your neighbor, Kristin Martin. I am writing to you with tears running down my face after reading the beautiful sentiments written about your angel, Dylan, and after seeing photos of his smiling face. I can only say that he is with the angels and God who have looked after him for his seven years on this Earth and he will be your angel looking after you, your daughters, his father, and family from Heaven. May God bless you and may your friends and loved ones help ease your pain right now. With sincere condolences.
Tami Rios My Thoughts and Prayers March 19, 2010



Words can not express how sorry I am for the loss of your little angel.  Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and the kids.  I wish there was something I could do to help you through this difficult time...  I'm here if you need to talk. 

TracY Abbatoye Your Friend March 18, 2010
Kristin I didn't know dylan but I can tell by all his beautiful pictures that he was a very special boy.  like the angels he had following him you now have your own special angel.  You know how much we love you!  He will forever be in your heart..

Lori Heischuber Another condolence from across the world in Turkey March 18, 2010

I did not know Dylan but heard about what had happened on Facebook from a friend of Kristin's and my heart just broke for the family.  I really believe all things happen for a reason and this was gods plan, although for us here on earth it is hard to understand.  I pray for your family Kristin and may god comfort your heart each and every day, your son is now an angel in heaven and watching his family from above.   In everything you do he will be there with you, have faith.   God bless Dylan and his entire family.      


 Lori Heischuber

 Saugus, California



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