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kathy wills dylan's job March 16, 2010
In the short time Dylan was at Roosevelt school he impacted many lives .He was a good friend to many and his love of life and learning made me a better teacher. His mom said that his leaving our world was for a reason . In this week alone, I know he has altered many lives and done incredible work.He has brought people to or back to the church. He has brought families closer, parents closer to their children and homes safer. Dylan has made us all put our priorities in check and we have all slowed down a little to make time for the important things in life. When my days are dark , I can conjure up his magical medicinal smile. When I sing every morning " Who brought their smile to school " , it will have a whole new meaning for me. I am so grateful for getting a chance to have Dylan and Ashley ( aka Ash the Smash) in my class. I wish his whole family love, strength and courage.
Melanie Fluitt Friend of Diana Schwesinger March 16, 2010
My prayers are with the Best family. "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:7)
Ed Sandell "Uncle Ed" March 15, 2010
How do you say goodbye to a little 7 year old boy...who is so loved and is so loveable? I trust I will see him again...until then it is tough. Dylan and I had lots of fun shooting hoops in Steve's backyard, playing baseball at the park, and playing "duckhunter" at Kristin's Halloween party. In pitching to Dylan while he was learning to bat....I can honestly say he never saw a pitch he didn't like...haha. If it was low or didn't matter. He wanted to swing at it! Take care little buddy.
Tiffany Clark To the family of this precious boy March 15, 2010

 I am a relative of a friend of a friend of those who know the family. I am crying my eyes out over this precious little boy. What a beautiful love. My heart is aching for the family and I send my love and prayers. May God be with you all in this unimaginable loss.


Tiffany Clark

Memphis, TN


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